It is our pleasure to launch the open call to find the organisers of the next ESN Academy!
To help aspiring organisers, we are pleased to announce that this event will benefit from financial support through the recently accepted Work Plan of 2017!
ESN Academy is a unique training event in ESN, bringing together around 80 ESNers from across Europe, the most of any Eduk8 event. The theme of ESN Academy 2017 will be “Social Inclusion: What can we do about it?”. Workshops will be held over 4 days and participants will build their own learning experience by picking the workshops they want to attend and customising their own agenda!
Conference on Social Inclusion!
One of the afternoons will see a conference organised for the locals, to promote social inclusion within the local community. Our aim will be to bring together locals, refugees and participants of the event. We will invite a guest speaker with knowledge on this topic (to be determined later on) and organise activities between the attendees to promote dialogue and discussion about the topic.
This conference is a crucial part of the event and can be a great way for sections to engage with their local and national stakeholders. We highly encourage sections from countries with refugee communities to apply for hosting the ESN Academy. We will also seek to cooperate with the SocialErasmus team for the organisation of this conference.
Basic Information
20th - 25th June 2017 or27th June - 2nd July 2017 or4th - 9th July 2017
**Please note that 10 facilitators, 4 mentors and 4 Eduk8 team members will arrive 2 days before and leave one day later than participants**
Duration of the meeting: 6 days, from Tuesday (arrivals day) to Sunday (departure day)
Number of spots: 80 participants, 10 facilitators, 4 Eduk8 team members, 4 mentors, 1 guest speaker = total of 99 people
Participation fee: Around 120 EUR, but the lower the better
Grant support: The exact sum of grant support for this event is yet to be determined until we hear back from the Council of Europe. For now, please operate under the assumption that support would be around €7,500
What the OC should provide
- Accommodation: 5 nights (Tuesday to Sunday)
- Food: 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 5 dinners
- Coffee Breaks: For all days (twice a day)
- Opening and closing sessions: One big room for these sessions, ready to welcome up to 100 people at the same time
- Training rooms: 5 classrooms for the small sessions taking place simultaneously
- 5 classrooms for the workshops taking place simultaneously
- 1 storage/working room for facilitators and OC
- And much more... More important information about the specific requirements can be found here.
More important information is also available in the Events Policy Paper.
Support for the application
Support for the application
The Eduk8 events coordinator, Inês Cunha, is available for support during the pre-application phase to provide vital comments and suggestions for improvement to your application and budget. Please use this opportunity and contact her at the latest one week before the deadline to submit applications by writing to [email protected].
Application & Election
The official deadline to submit an application is: 22nd January 2017
Send a completed application form and budget to [email protected] and the Eduk8 Team ([email protected]).
Please keep in mind: The Eduk8 training events are a bit different from other ESN events in terms of requirements. Please make sure to read carefully the list of requirements. The OC should also include the cost of the 10 facilitators, 4 Eduk8 team members, 1 guest speaker and 4 mentor's participation fee.
We are very much looking forward to seeing your applications!
In case you would like to receive more information about Eduk8 don't hesitate to contact the Eduk8 Team at [email protected]
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