It is time to organise the next Eduk8 event: ESN Autumn Training 2017!
Are you looking for new challenges, new achievements and to refresh the motivation of your local section? Are you ready to take a step forward? This is the right moment! We are looking for an OC ready to take this challenge with us!
This event will benefit from financial support of the European Youth Foundation grant and the following email and attachments provide a lot of detail for potential Organising Committees to be aware. However, don’t be scared by the length and detail of these documents, as we just want you to have all the information and support necessary when preparing your application!
If you would like to know from previous OCs what to expect when organising an Eduk8 event, check out the interview with the OC of Eduk8 Starter Timisoara at the ESNblog!

Basic Information:
The ESN Autumn Training is a training event that aims at developing soft skills of ESN members through non-formal education (NFE).
7th - 12th of November 2017
(preferred date)
14th - 19th of November 2017
**Please note that 9 trainers and 5 Eduk8 team members will arrive 2 days before and leave one day later than participants**
Duration of the meeting: 6 days from Tuesday (arrivals day) to Sunday (departure day).
Please keep in mind:
The Eduk8 training events are a bit different from other ESN events in terms of requirements. Please make sure to read carefully the list of requirements when you are preparing your application. The OC should also include the cost of the facilitators and Eduk8 team participation fee.
Number of spots: 60 participants, 9 trainers, 5 Eduk8 team members = total of 74 people.
Participation fee: Around 110€ EUR, but the lower the better.
Grant support: As this event is supported with funding from the Council of Europe, the OC can expect to receive up to €3,000 from ESN International. Closer to the time, we will re-evaluate the grant's budget to see if we can allocate any more funding to the OC, but for now expect a minimum amount of €3,000.
What the OC should provide:
- Accommodation: 5 nights (Tuesday to Sunday)
- Food: 5 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 5 dinners
- Coffee breaks: For all days (twice a day)
- Plenaries: One big room for these sessions, ready to welcome up to 74 people at the same time
- Rooms:
- 3 classrooms for the workshops taking place simultaneously
- 1 storage/working room for trainers and OC
- And much more...

More important information about what is required from the OC is available in the list of requirements document attached.
The Eduk8 Events Coordinator, Julia Rausch, is available for support during the pre-application phase to provide vital comments and suggestions for improvement to your application and budget. Please use this opportunity and contact her at the latest one week before the deadline to submit applications by writing to [email protected]g .
The Eduk8 Events Coordinator, Julia Rausch, is available for support during the pre-application phase to provide vital comments and suggestions for improvement to your application and budget. Please use this opportunity and contact her at the latest one week before the deadline to submit applications by writing to [email protected]
The official deadline to submit an application is the 4th of June 2017 at 23:59 CEST.
Send a completed application form and budget to vicepreside[email protected] and the Eduk8 Team ([email protected]).
Please keep in mind:
The Eduk8 training events are a bit different from other ESN events in terms of requirements. Please make sure to read carefully the list of requirements when you are preparing your application. The OC should also include the cost of the facilitators and Eduk8 team participation fee.
We are very much looking forward to seeing your potential applications!
In case you would like to receive more information about Eduk8 please don't hesitate to contact the Eduk8 Team at [email protected].
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